Yes ! I hail from Canada and with that, I made myself a chalk paste re-usable home decor sign!
I would like to share with you how I made my sign with re-usable silk screen transfers and chalk paste.
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For this project, I opted to use a framed re-usable chalk board sign. I can re-use this sign as many times as I like as all I have to do is add water to the surface and then wipe off with a wet rag.
I began the project by cutting up the stencil the way I wanted to have it designed on my backer board and started placing each piece of the stencil.
A note about the silkscreen transfers, when you are finished with the stencil, it is absolutely imperative that you put your stencil in water right away and ideally, wash it out as soon as possible. They are re-usable, but will need to be cleaned and cared for in order to have them last for several more uses.
In the photo here, I kept a tray of water beside my work station in order to keep the stencils wet until I could actually wash them out properly.
I have another blog post where I go into more detail on applying the chalk paste to the transfer if you are wanting more detail here.
This sign was so fun to make! I used a few different stencils I had on hand and cut them up and arranged them as I wanted to make the sign.
The stencils I had on hand did not have the word Canada, so I used each letter individually with the letters I did have. There are so many amazing options with these stencils!
I also used a glitter red chalk paste for this one! Its very hard to see in the photo, but the red paint is glittered and shimmered! Here is a link to some red shimmer paste!
This is photo of my buffet where I housed the sign I made along with my interchangeable seasons sign.

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