Chalk Paint Before and After Transformation
We have been wanting to upgrade our Queen bed into a Kind bed for quite some time. I had looked and looked online and could not find the headboard of my dreams. Then one day I was on Marketplace and found this solid mahogany headboard and footboard for $50!
The people were moving and needed it gone that very day. I knew we had no room for it and we weren’t ready to purchase the King bed set yet, but I knew I saw the Headboard and footboard I was looking for !
I was 7 months pregnant with my second son and so there was no way this monstrosity was going to get painted any time soon! So the footboard was stored in my husband’s garage and I stored the headboard in our basement/guest room.
It wasn’t the best place for it but we live in a 3 level home and the bedrooms are on the top floor and we knew when it got painted finally, we would have to hire someone to get it up the stairs!
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I am absolutely in love with the details and especially the rose details! I am not sure how I will end up decoratively painting it, but for now, just painting it out white was a massive transformation!
I have ideas for a black rose furniture transfer or maybe stamping roses. I am not sure yet, but I am so in love with how the first transformation turned out!
I was finally able to finish painting it right before Christmas. It was my goal to have the new bed and headboards installed so we could lay with the kids in the bed and watch Christmas movies with the fireplace on!
This piece was old and very dirty. I was lucky in that I did not have to make any repairs to the wood. Just a good cleaning with a wet rag and furniture cleaner. Just using soap and water wasn’t going to cut it with this piece.
This took quite a while and had to clean it up a few times. Then I took a dry rag and made sure it was completely dry.
I always recommend using a primer when painting a dark furniture piece and painting it to white. Using primer saves painting many coats of the chalk paint. I recommend using Zinsser white primer.
I painted 2 coats of the primer and ensured each coat is dried well in between coats.
This project was a big one! It took me many months to be able to get both the headboard, footboard and the 2 side rails painted.
The headboard was a beast to paint! It took 3 coats of Rustoleum Chalked style paint in Linen White.
What do you think? I am so in love with my transformation!
We reached the goal of having the bed painted for Christmas and we watched Christmas movies on our bed as a family during the holidays!

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